It really does all start with food!
Our entire body needs a wide range of nutrients in order to function optimally.
So, what we eat and drink affects our vulva and vagina in the same way that what we eat and drink affect all parts of our body.
- antioxidants
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin C
- Omega-3 Fatty acids
- Omega-6 Fatty acids
- Protein
- Probiotics
2. Cleaning
The vagina is a self-cleaning machine.
If you’ve ever seen discharge in your undies — assuming it doesn’t have a new odor or tinge — that’s evidence that your vagina is functioning just right.
- Avoid scented tampons, pads, and liners.
- During your period, change your tampon 4 to 5 times a day. That goes for pads and liners, too.
- Wash or wipe the area regularly during your period.
3. After sex
Simple: pee!
Peeings cleaning out any bacteria that may have migrated into the urethra during play, which may help reduce the risk of a UTI.
You can also do one little swish of water on your vulva with your finger, but don’t do any internal washing or scrubbing.